Overlooked Cleaners You Can Still Find Right Now
Overlooked cleaners are a best kept secret right now. One of the most infuriating things when dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is the absence of essential supplies. Especially cleaning supplies. Shoppers are buying up the disinfectant wipes, Lysol, bleach and other cleaning supplies like they're going out of style. And while the supplies are necessary, there are certainly many households [...]
Your Child’s School Desk Germs
Have you ever thought about your child's school desk germs? Teachers do what they can to keep their rooms clean, including desks. After all, the teacher wants to protect herself and the kids from getting sick. But, what really lives on your child's desk? Let's look at what is carried into schools and what can be done about it. Imagine [...]
Deep Cleaning Businesses During A Pandemic
Nowadays, commercial properties are deep cleaning businesses. Current events surrounding the pandemic make this action almost a requirement. Luckily, companies like Green Bee Maids offer deep cleaning as a service. In this article, we'll describe the attention to detail and process that goes into deep cleaning businesses. How many people work in your office? A few dozen? What about a [...]
Commercial Cleaning Challenges
Commercial cleaning services provide an important service to both customers and business owners. They make sure that businesses are not only neat and tidy, but also prevent the spread of illnesses between coworkers, customers, or whoever else happens to wander into the building. This week we are exploring commercial cleaning challenges. These challenges are the reason that commercial cleaning crews [...]
How Cleaning Services Care For Medical Offices
All businesses need to be presentable. However, certain types of businesses need the cleaning more than others. An industry where it is very important do you have a spotless workplace is in medical offices. Medical offices take a wide range of forms. All of those forms need a very detailed and thorough cleaning. This week we are reviewing how cleaning [...]
How To Battle Trash Can Odor
Everybody knows that the trashcan is gross. Whether it is an outdoor can, or in your bathroom or kitchen, trash gets smelly quickly. Unfortunately, that smell sometimes lingers after the trash is gone. Even people who take their trash out twice a week sometimes develop trash can odor. This week, we are providing ideas to help you battle trash can [...]