Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, cleaning up carpet stains can be frustrating. In this article, we are outlining our top tips and tricks for spot cleaning carpet. If you need general floor cleaning, deep cleaning or cleaning for a move out, contact us for quality professional carpet and flooring cleaning. However, if there is a single spot on the carpet, there is no need to call in the professionals. Read on to learn carpet cleaning tips for nearly every type of stain.

General Carpet Cleaning – Works For Most Stains


  • 1 spray bottle of cold water
  • 1 spray bottle of ¼ teaspoon dishwashing liquid and 1 cup warm water
  • 3 absorbent cleaning cloths
  • Paper towels


Start by filling the spray bottles as directed in the materials. Shake the bottle that has the dishwashing soap in it to ensure that the soap is mixed properly with the water. You can scale the mixture up or down as necessary.

Spray one of the cleaning cloths with the soapy mixture. Use the damp cloth to blot and dab at the stain. Avoid rubbing or smearing the stain, those motions simply spread the stain around. Continue adding solution to the cloth and blotting until the stain is faint or invisible.

Then, spray another one of the cloths with the cold water. Use the cold water to remove the detergent solution from the carpet. Try and dab again, but if the stain is no longer visible, some rubbing is okay.

Finally, blot the entire area with the final, dry cloth in order to remove as much water as possible.

Stack paper towels on the spot and weigh down with something heavy that won’t stain easily. The most common example is a cooking pot. The paper towels soak up any stain that remains down in the carpet. Leave the paper towels overnight.

The next morning, remove the weight and towels. Then, use your hand to separate the carpet fibers. Either rub the area with your palm or fluff with your fingers.

Stains The Outlast This Process

Some stains are stubborn and require specialized care. The most common stubborn stains are pet stains, red wine stains, and coffee stains.

No matter what substance you are dealing with, time is essential. Try and clean any messes up as soon as they happen. Remember to always blot and dab at stains, avoid rubbing at all costs.

For the more stubborn stains, simply blotting with your hand is not always enough. Instead, stand on the cleaning cloth and allow your body weight to assist with getting the stain out of the deepest parts of the carpet.

For certain stubborn stains, there are custom cleaning solutions for that type of stain. Simply look for “red wine stain remover” or “pet stain remover” at your favorite in-person or online store. For pet stain cleaning solution, make sure that it targets stains and odor. This guarantees that nothing lingers after the visible stain is gone.