Today we tackle the redecorator’s greatest annoyance – carpet dents.

If you are like most people these days, you are probably feeling a little bit cooped up. While looking for a change of scenery, you may have even tried rearranging your household furniture. After all, it is nice to mix things up every now and again. Plus moving the furniture lets you get those hard-to-reach places under or behind the big items that you may have been neglecting for a bit longer than you would care to admit. We have all been there. But in moving things around you probably discovered some unsightly carpet dents. If you are wondering how to get those carpet dents to go away, we have a few tips for you.

The Ice Cube Method

To start off in your carpet dent removal journey, you can try ice cubes. Simply place an ice cube in the dent and wait until the ice melts. Then use a sponge or microfiber towel to soak up the excess moisture and fluff out the carpet. Once the area is dry, vacuum the spot. Voila! No more dents!

The Fork Method

If the ice cube did not quite cut it, then it is time to go back to the kitchen to get a fork. Use the tines of the fork to dig into the carpet fibers and help to pull the carpet back into shape. Be gentle and go slow with this method. You do not want to rip the carpet fibers out of the floor all together!

The Blow Dryer Method

This one works in much the same way as it does on your hair. Simply moisten the dented area with water, then use the blow dryer to dry the area. While you are drying, use your fingers to gently fluff up the area that is dented.

The Towel Method

For really stubborn dents and divots, it is time to get really serious. Place a damp rag or dish towel over the dent. Get your clothes iron and set the heat to medium. You can try this with or without steam. Gently run the iron over the towel, being careful not to let the iron touch the carpet as it could burn. You can leave the heat on the spot for 30 seconds to a minute. Then, simply vacuum over the area to blend the fibers into each other.

The Last Straw

When you have tried everything else, or if you just want to skip right to the end without wasting time on the other steps, it is time to call in the professionals. A professional carpet cleaner will not only get your carpets clean, but the steam they use will also lift up and refresh your carpet fibers, eliminating carpet dents. This is also a great way to sanitize your carpet in the wake of coronavirus. Carpet fibers can trap a lot of dirt, smells, and germs. Having your carpets professionally cleaned can make your carpets look and feel like new while also ridding your home of harmful germs and bacteria.