With the rise of cleaning gurus such as Marie Kondo and professional organizers, it’s as though everybody is getting organized. One of the main speed bumps to organization in many households is the closet. Even people who do not have a large amount of clothes use closets as storage spaces. People who do have quite a few clothes have an even greater challenge. So how do homeowners tackle this trouble spot? Read on to learn our suggestions for how to properly clean out and clean up your closet.

Take Everything Out Of The Closet

Everything truly means everything. Clothes, shoes, boxes, bags, and any other items stored away in the closet. All that should be left is the actual fixtures of the closets.

Clean Any Light Fixtures

People who have walk-in closets typically have a light fixture that gets dusty, because it is forgotten in cleaning sweeps. Carefully dust the fixture while it is cool. This is the start of the top to bottom cleaning of the closet itself. When you are cleaning any space in your home, start near the top and move down. This way any debris that falls gets cleaned up from the floor last.

Take Care Of The Rest Of The Closet

Wipe down the walls, shelves, and organizers in your closet. These spaces accrue a surprising amount of dust and grime from being left untouched. The best way to do this is with a general cleaner and a cloth. These surfaces are not particularly delicate, so don’t be afraid to use elbow grease. Finish up the closet cleaning by vacuuming, mopping, or using both methods on the floor.

Sort & Eliminate

Go through all of your clothes and anything else being stored in the closet. Anything that you don’t need or use anymore goes in the “get rid of” pile. Split that category into donate or trash. After all of the unnecessary stuff is out of your closet, organize what’s left. Establish a plan that is both useful and sustainable.

Optional: Integrating Uniformity

A tidy closet does not have to be exactly uniform. However, some homeowners prefer an entirely uniform space. A good place to start is be getting hangers that are all the same type. Velvety hangers have grown in popularity recently as their extra grip keeps clothes from slipping off.


The final step before replacing everything is to dust. Get the cobwebs and dirt off those storage containers so they are not tracking that back into your freshly cleaned closet. If you have plastic storage containers, actually wipe them down with a cleaning solution to guarantee the least dust possible.

Return Everything To Its Place

Follow the plan you created earlier and put everything back in the closet in the proper place. Start with your clothes and follow up with the storage items.