With all the extra time we have been spending inside our homes, now is a great time for some extra cleaning TLC. But where do you even begin? Here are some recommendations on places around the house to clean to really maximize your effort and how to follow through with deep cleaning tips.

  1. Underneath and Behind the Big Stuff

First things first, find all the large items that do not get moves around with regular cleaning and get to moving them. You will find all sorts of things back there. Behind the TV, under the fridge, or the biggest blackhole of all, behind the couch are great places to start. Pick up any bigger items by hand, then vacuum up the rest.

  1. Up High and Down Low

Deep cleaning is the perfect time to check all the things that are not normally seen, namely those things that are above or below your eye line. This is the time to break out the ladder and take a look around from a higher vantage point. You will be amazed at what you see. The same thing goes for getting down on the floor and peaking around down there too. There will be plenty of dusting, mopping, and surface cleaning to keep you busy for a long time.

  1. Lesser Horizontal Surfaces

You probably wipe down your counters and tabletops pretty regularly. But what about the tops of doorframes or the tops of your artwork and picture frames? Let us not forget about the gap between the oven and the cabinets! In any room there are plenty of spaces that get overlooked or deprioritized whenever we are doing our regular cleaning. Now is the time to move those spaces to the top of the list.

  1. Window Tracks and Sills

Window glass is something we do often, because they make a big difference. But one thing we often pass up is the track the window sits in. These tracks can be home to loads of dust, debris, and bugs. The vacuum can be used for a first pass, but this is a perfect place to use that trusty cleaning toothbrush. Some all-purpose cleaner goes a long way in cleaning these out and leaving a sparkling finish.

  1. Walls

This is one of the more unexpected deep cleaning tips for some homeowners. Really, you have to clean walls too? Yes, these can be some of the biggest collectors of dust in your house. And in some rooms of the house, they can get dirtied up in other ways as well. We are looking at you, Kitchen Walls. With all the cooking, those walls are bound to be coated in a lovely, greasy film. Start by spot clean with a microfiber cloth and all-purpose cleaner. But to really clean the entire wall surface, use your same microfiber cloth, but affix it to the head of a flathead mop. Spray the cloth with your all-purpose cleaner and work your way from one end of the wall to the other.