Best Way to Clean Your Curtains
Best Way to Clean Your Curtains We've got bad news for you. Your curtains are dirtier than you think they are. No, no, we mean it. There's something about them that make people think they're invincible. They're rigid and constant, always there when you need them... They keep out the cold and drafts, so they must keep dust out, too, [...]
How to Decide What to Throw Away
How to Decide What to Throw Away No matter how much you love what you've bought, everything you own takes up space. As you accumulate more and more things, it can be easy to run out of room. So how do you decide what to keep when you run out of space in your home? First, you'll want to ask [...]
How to Care for Different Floors
How to Care for Different Floors Some people dread cleaning their floors. Maybe it's a tricky material, or there's a whole lot of floor to clean. That's to say nothing of maintenance, either – But this is essential. Think about the most worn-down part of your floor. You might have to replace it someday, but what's the big deal? The [...]
How Can I Add Storage to My Bathroom?
How Can I Add Storage to My Bathroom? The bathroom is one of those things where if you like it, you really like it. If you're anything like most of us, though, your bathroom could be a bit better. One of the most common complaints we hear about them is that there's never enough storage space. For such a limited [...]
How Do You Clean Plastic?
How Do You Clean Plastic? Since its invention over a hundred years ago in 1907, plastic has been indispensable. People have been using cheap, flexible, useful stuff for decades. They've been fighting about the best ways to clean it for just as long, too. Some things work, and some things only kind of work. For example, putting it in the [...]
How to Keep a Mirror Spotless
How to Keep a Mirror Spotless Whether you're putting together your best look in the morning or getting ready for a night on the town – Or heck, just brushing your teeth to go to bed after a long day – A streaky mirror can be a messy and unpleasant distraction. I've even heard of people missing a piece of [...]